
Teaching Staff

  • Mr Edwards - Head of Curriculum Area
  • Mr Booth
  • Miss Gipps
  • Miss Jones
  • Mr Jones
  • Mr Beavis
  • Mrs Fitzsimmons

KS3 & KS4 COre PE

Physical Education is more than just playing sport!  We can separate PE into three main areas: 

Try - Healthy Participation 
Think - Rules, regulations and tactics. 
Technique - Motor Competence 

All of our lessons are physically active and teach the pupils about the benefits of physical activity.  Depending on the activity we discuss and develop the pupil's knowledge of rules, regulations and tactics.  Finally, no matter on the starting point, we aim to encourage the pupils to improve their own ability, from not being able to serve and then succeeding, or an advanced activity such as scoring a reverse lay-up, all abilities are challenged. 

Year 7, 8 & 9 - In Year 7, pupils study 8 activities over the Autumn and Spring terms, and at least three activities in the Summer term. 
Year 7: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Dance, Football, Hockey, Netball, Rounders, Rugby. 
At the end of Year 7 pupils are surveyed on which sports they found the most interesting, and with some new activities being introduced in Year 8, what activities they would like to participate in Year 8.  Pupils can then select a strand of activities that they will study over the Autumn and Spring terms in Year 8.  The same process is repeated at the end of Year 8, ready for Year 9. 

Example Strands in Year 8:

Handball Football Trampolining Hockey
Table Tennis Rugby Netball Basketball
Football Netball Badminton Trampolining
Fitness Badminton Table Tennis Dance
Basketball Volleyball Football Fitness






This enables us to have a pupil-led curriculum. Each Year group will have a set of activities that match the needs of the cohort. 

Year 10 and Year 11 - As the pupils have grown in physicality and maturity, we offer them more of a choice in the activities they can participate in.  We also develop their coaching skills, leadership skills and ability to work as a team. 
Sport Education is a key to this.  Pupils are placed in teams and each pupil has a role that will earn them points which goes towards a transfer window.  
Pupils also get to choose the activities depending on the facility they are allocated.  Such as Sports Hall based activities; Badminton, Handball, Basketball etc. 




Physical Education equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to develop their own performance in sport. They develop their understanding of socio-cultural influences on participation in sport, the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness and well-being as well as their understanding of sports psychology theories. The course will also help in developing students understanding of how physical activity can aid physical, mental and social well-being.

Vocational Award in Sport & Coaching Principles 

Unit 1 introduces learners to the adaptations that take place in the body following exercise, how training can lead to improvements in fitness, and the planning of training programmes. The aim of this unit is to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to plan training programmes to improve the fitness of individuals. 
Unit 2 introduces learners to how different areas of sporting performance can be improved. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding needed to be able to analyse sporting performance, identify strengths and weaknesses and plan for improvement.  

Unit 3 introduces learners to the principles involved in sports coaching. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the appropriate knowledge and understanding to be able to plan, lead and evaluate a coaching session within a sporting activity.  

How you will be assessed:  
You will be assessed with a written exam (80 minutes) that has short and long answered questions based around applied situations (sports). You are given material to provide a stimulus. 40% of the course. 

You will also be given a project to complete in school.  This is based upon how we respond to factors in sport and how we can adapt to them.  This project is worth 25%. 

Finally, you will be assessed on your ability to coach! You will use all of the information learned so far and apply this with coaching principles.  This is a practical unit.  35% weighting. 



  • Level 1 & 2 Technical Award in Sports & Coaching Principles

Please see below for Curriculum Maps for a breakdown of what is taught in each year group and by term: